Being in staffing/recruitment/HR for 7 years now I have had the opportunity to expand my network to the point where the majority of my candidates are found through proactive communication. I also enjoy getting to know the professionals in my community along with building future work partnerships. I look to transfer this skill set into a variety of opportunities that I will be looking towards in the near future. Below I have listed the the associations that I have been a part of along with ones that I am currently active. 

While this list is by no means short, one rule of thumb I've tried to abide by has been to attend at least 2 networking events a month. This is a standard I will continue to maintain as a member of any organization that chooses me to be a part of their team. That practice has benefited both my personal and professional relationships in a way that extends beyond the daily office work life. The skills that I have developed in working events and being an active association member have allowed me to communicate, network, relationship build, and advocate team growth at the highest level. 


  • Northland Kansas City Chamber of Commerce - Education Committee - Active

  • Kansas City REI (Race, Equity, Inclusion) - Organization & Training Course- Active

  • Monthly "Network After Work" events in KC through SocialHeart - Active

  • Kansas City Young Professionals Member (KCYP) - Active

  • 1 Million Cups - Kansas City (Program through Kauffman Labs) - Active

  • Omaha Young Professionals Member (OYP)

  • Omaha Chamber of Commerce Member

  • Council Bluffs Young Professionals Member (CBYP)

  • Emergency Nurses Association Member (ENA)

  • Nebraska Emergency Service Association Member (NEMSA)